Welcome to Tunghai University for the 2024/2025 academic year!
In order to register successfully, you must complete the pre-arrival survey before you come to Taiwan (or you are in Taiwan). Click the button below to begin.
1. Please certify all information is true and correct before clicking on the 'SUBMIT' button. It will not be modified after the submission.
2. Please log in again to the system to complete Step.8 and Step.11 once you have received the visa and the Flight info. given by OIR Office.
3. Except for steps 8 and 11, you need to complete the remaining section before Thursday, August 15, 2024
1. 所有資料按送出後皆無法修改,因此請務必再三確認
2. 步驟8-簽證申請 及 步驟11-入台資訊說明及確認 兩項需上傳相關文件才可以送出。因此請所有新生於取得簽證及國際處提供的航班後再重新登入完成!
3. 除了第8及第11項,其餘的部分請於2024年8月15日(星期四)前完成填寫